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The official website of the State of Mississippi
Hattiesburg , East MS Job Fair , Greenwood Leflore Job Fair , Pearl Drive-Thru Job Fair , Meridian Area Job Fair


The Governor’s Job Fair Network is a unique, proactive, employment assistance
resource for the unemployed, employers and communities of Mississippi.


Governor Tate ReevesAs Governor of our great state, I am proud to have my title associated with The Governor's Job Fair Network of Mississippi. This is a free service provided to all job seekers who are looking for a job, a better job, or interested in a change in career. As a major unit of the Mississippi Department of Employment Security (MDES), The Governor's Job Fair Network provides opportunities for both employers and job seekers across the state by connecting in their own cities, towns, and communities, In honor of the State of Mississippi, The Governor's Job Fair Network provides this service to ease the burdens of job seekers having to travel out of town for job interviews and it benefits employers who would otherwise, would be obligated to pay for massive advertising for job openings. Both groups are able to meet in one day, under one roof; and occasionally a job seeker can find a new job, and a business can find a new employee all on the same day. 
